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Skin Checks

Includes dermoscopy and photographic monitoring of suspect lesions.

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Service Description

Dr Andrew Chow is now offering comprehensive skin checks. Skin checks are recommended for patients who: - have a history of skin cancer - any patient who has greater than 20 naevi (moles) on an arm - any patient with sun damage i.e. red, dry, scaly skin - have a family history of Melanoma Dr Chow has completed his Certificate in Primary Care Skin Cancer Medicine.

Cancellation Policy

Please Note. If you fail to attend an appointment without notifying the clinic, you will incur a $40 for a basic appointment and $80 for a longer appointment.

Contact Details

  • 196A Liebig Street, Warrnambool VIC, Australia

    (03) 5561 2077

Service Page: Bookings Service Page
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